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3 equations 3 unknowns in excel
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Author Message


Registered: 03.07.2004

Posted: Thursday 02nd of Aug 15:17    

Hi gals and guys I require some direction to unravel this 3 equations 3 unknowns in excel which I’m unable to do on my own. My test on math is due and I need help to work on factoring polynomials, subtracting fractions and exponent rules . I’m also thinking of hiring a math tutor but they are expensive. So I would be very much value if you can extend some guidance in solving the problem.
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Registered: 11.03.2004
From: Netherlands

Posted: Friday 03rd of Aug 19:05    

Your story sounds familiar to me. Although I was good in algebra for many years, when I began College Algebra there were a lot of math topics that seemed very hard . I remember I got a very bad grade when I took the exam on 3 equations 3 unknowns in excel. Now I don't have this problem anymore, I can solve anything quite easily , even perpendicular lines and adding matrices. I was lucky that I didn't spend my money on a teacher , because I heard of Algebrator from a a colleague. I have been using it since then whenever I had to solve something difficult .
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Sdefom Koopmansshab


Registered: 28.10.2001
From: Woudenberg, Netherlands

Posted: Saturday 04th of Aug 08:09    

Even I’ve been through times when I was trying to figure out a solution to certain type of questions pertaining to adding exponents and matrices. But then I found this piece of software and it was almost like I found a magic wand. In the blink of an eye it would solve even the most difficult problems for you. And the fact that it gives a detailed step-by-step explanation makes it even more handy. It’s a must buy for every algebra student.
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Registered: 06.03.2002
From: Macintosh HD

Posted: Sunday 05th of Aug 11:24    

Algebrator is the program that I have used through several math classes - Basic Math, Pre Algebra and Basic Math. It is a truly a great piece of algebra software. I remember of going through problems with multiplying matrices, equivalent fractions and evaluating formulas. I would simply type in a problem homework, click on Solve – and step by step solution to my algebra homework. I highly recommend the program.
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Registered: 12.10.2001

Posted: Monday 06th of Aug 07:40    

It’s amazing that a program can do that. I didn’t expect something like that could be helpful in math . I’m used to be taught by a teacher but this really sounds cool. Do you have any links for this program?
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Registered: 26.07.2001
From: Scotland

Posted: Tuesday 07th of Aug 07:02    

Okay. You can get it here: (softwareLinks). Additionally they offer you assured satisfaction and a money-back guarantee. All the best .
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