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Every time I use the Algebrator program, I discover something new and useful, I think this program should be attached to each student computer in the US, especially considering its price.
Carl J. Oldham, FL
Im a retired high school teacher and currently work as a tutor. It always used to frustrate me that a child could do so well as long as I was sitting there with them but as soon as I had to leave, the child went back to struggling. Through my research, I found your product. The parents bought it for their son and Im glad to say hes doing terrific all on his own.
Kara Lyssa, WI
My son was always coaxing me to keep a tutor for doing algebra homework. Then, a friend of mine told me about this software 'Algebrator'. Initially, I was a bit hesitant as I was having apprehension about its lack of human interaction which usually a tutor has. However, I asked my son to give it a try. And, I was quite surprised to find that he developed liking of this software. I can not tell why as I am not from math background and I have forgotten my school algebra. But, I can see that my son is comfortable with the subject now.
A.R., Arkansas
I decided to home school my children at a young age. Once they were older, I quickly realized that I was not able to create efficient math lesson plans before I did not have the knowledge to do so. Algebrator not only allowed me to teach my children algebra, but it also refreshed my knowledge as well. Thank you for creating sure a wonderful program!
Mark Hansen, IL
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