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Course Outline for Integrated Algebra and Geometry II

Course Description

This course is the second in a two-part sequence covering elementary algebra topics. Students will extend
their basic algebra skills to include simplifying, performing operations with, and solving equations
involving square roots. Systems of equations will be solved graphically and algebraically. The quadratic
formula and graphing a quadratic equation will be introduced. Application problems will include the use
of the Theorem of Pythagoras. After successfully completing this course, students should register for
intermediate algebra. The course is taught using compute-assisted instruction. You must plan to spend
extra time on campus in our open computer labs.
Prerequisite: MATH 064

Overall Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Solve a system of linear equations in two variables.

2. Graph a system of linear inequalities in two variables.

3. Solve application problems in two variables including percent mixture.

4. Determine corresponding parts of similar polygons.

5. Combine and simplify expressions involving radicals.

6. Solve radical equations.

7. Solve application problems involving radicals.

8. Apply the Pythagorean Theorem.

9. Apply the quadratic formula to application problems.

Major Topics

Systems of two equations with two unknowns
Graphing method; Substitution method; Elimination method
Application problems including percent mixture
Graphing linear inequalities

Radical Expression and Equations
Pythagorean Theorem
Multiplying and simplifying radicals
Quotients involving radicals
Addition and subtraction of radicals
Radical equations

Quadratic Equations
Quadratic formula
Application problems
Graphing a quadratic equation

The following topics will be reviewed.
Exponents and Polynomials
Integer exponents
Applications using scientific notation and unit analysis
Surface area and volume of prisms
Add, subtract, multiply and divide polynomials

Greatest common factor
x2+bx+c by trial and error; ax2+bx+c by ac method
Difference of squares
Quadratic equations that factor; application problems

Rational Expression and Equations
Combining rational expressions and simplifying
Solving rational equations
Ratio and proportion; similar polygons
Formulas; Variation

Course Requirements

Grading policies are determined by the division but will include a comprehensive final exam. Credits
awarded for the completion of this course do not fulfill degree requirements in any degree or certificate
program and are not transferable to four-year colleges.

Academic Honesty as defined in the student handbook is required of all students.