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Elementary Linear Algebra

Textbook: Introductory Linear Algebra: An Applied First Course (8th ed.), by B. Koleman and D. Hill.
We will cover Chapters 14 and 68.

Course Description: Matrices (properties of matrices, matrix algebra and operations, determinants, in-
verse of a matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors), methods of solving systems of linear equations (Gaussian
elimination, Gauss-Jordan elimination, Cramers Rule), vectors (linear independence, span, basis and di-
mension), applications (coding, computer graphics, electrical circuits).

Attendance Policy: If you have three or fewer unexcused absences during the semester, your lowest test
score and your lowest quiz score will be dropped. If you miss a class, you must contact me with a reason
as soon as possible in order to have the absence excused. I may not excuse your absence if you are absent
excessively and/or not performing adequately in the class.

Homework: I will assign homework exercises after each section. These problems will not be graded, but
you may be quizzed on them. I will allow some time during class to discuss the problems and I encourage
you to use my office hours if you have any questions about them.

Lab Assignments: There will be eight computer lab assignments (using MATLAB) given throughout the
semester. They will be worth 10 points each.

Tests and Quizzes: There will be five 30-minute quizzes, worth 40 points each, consisting of problems
from homework. There will be five 50-minute tests, worth 80 points each. (See schedule below for test and
quiz dates.)

Rescheduling Tests and Quizzes: If you have a valid reason for missing a test or quiz, you may be
allowed to reschedule, but you must make arrangements with me at least one week in advance of the test or
quiz. If you miss a test or quiz and have not made arrangements with me to take it at another time, you
will receive a zero (This may be used as your dropped score).

Final: There will be a cumulative final exam worth 180 points on Friday, December 8, 8:0010:00AM.

Grading: Your numerical grade will be your total points (on labs, quizzes, tests, and the final) as a
percentage of the total number of possible points (740). Your letter grade will be determined according the
following grading scale: A: 88100, B: 7687, C: 6475, D: 5263, F: 051.

Withdrawal: October 6 is the last day to withdraw from the course with a grade of W.
Testing Schedule

8/25 Quiz 1
9/1 Test 1
9/15 Quiz 2
9/22 Test 2
10/6 Quiz 3
10/13 Test 3
10/27 Quiz 4
11/3 Test 4
11/17 Quiz 5
11/28 Test 5
12/8 Final exam (8:00AM)

Academic Dishonesty Policy: Any student who engages in any form of academic dishonesty will receive
an F for the course. Academic dishonesty is defined as one or more of the following:

1. Use of unauthorized information during a test, quiz, or exam.
2. Copying material from another students paper during a test, quiz, or exam.
3. Giving or receiving information during a test, quiz, or exam.
4. Giving information about the content of a test, quiz, or exam to a student who will be taking the test
at a later time.
5. Obtaining unauthorized information about the content of a test, quiz, or exam before taking it.
6. Copying all or part of another students work on a lab assignment.

Learning Outcomes: The student will have an understanding of:

1. How to perform basic matrix operations.

2. How to compute the inverse or determinant of a square matrix.

3. How to express linear systems of equations in matrix form.

4. How to solve systems of linear equations using Gaussian elimination and Gauss-Jordan elimination.

5. How to solve systems of linear equations using Cramers Rule.

6. The basic properties of real vector spaces and subspaces including properties such as linear indepen-
dence, span, basis, rank.

7. How to analyze linear transformations.

8. How to compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix.

9. How to diagonalize a square matrix.

10. Use MATLAB to perform basic matrix operations and solve linear systems.