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Program Goal

The goal of the General Education program that pertains to the Mathematics Unit is:

To ensure that students possess a breadth of knowledge and skills through integrated study of coursework in various

Program Learning Outcomes ( PLO)

1. Students will gain knowledge of the liberal arts and sciences from 42-68 credit hours (depending on the major) of
General Education/Core Curriculum integrated courses in the humanities/fine arts; social/ behavioral sciences;
natural science/ mathematics; physical science; and allied health professions for which course syllabi specify
expected student learning outcomes.
2. Students will demonstrate their skills in reading, writing, critical thinking, mathematics, and science.
3. Students will demonstrate a multidisciplinary perspective.

Course Description

This is a University Core Course in Mathematics taken by Freshmen. Students in this course are expected to have
successfully completed or placed out of MAT 110. The students in this course are introduced to functions, graphs,
linear inequalities, matrices, linear programming, the metric system, geometry, and consumer mathematics. The
students are trained in critical thinking and problem solving skills to be applied to real world situations like
mortgage, credit card interests and other topics. This course is the second of a three- sequence study in college

Student Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes ( SLO)

After completing this course successfully, the
students will able to do the following:
Program Learning
Outcomes ( PLO) link
to SLO
Assessment of Student
Learning Outcomes
(Assessment Tools)
1. Solve two variable inequalities algebraically
and graphically.
# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
2. Solve for a specified variable from a given
# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
3. Solve quadratic equations by factoring and by
# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
4. Evaluate linear, quadratic, and exponential
functions at given points.
# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
5. Sketch the graphs of the above functions.


# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
6. Solve word problems using the above
# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
7. Solve 2x2 systems of linear equations
algebraically, graphically, and using row
reduction of matrices.
# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
8. Solve systems of linear inequalities graphically


# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
9. Apply these techniques and linear programming
to solve application and optimization problems.
# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
10. Change from one metric unit to another metric
# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
11. Determine length, area, and volume using
metric units.
# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
12. Determine mass and temperature using metric
# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
13. Change from metric units to the customary
# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
14. Identify angles, vertical angles, parallel lines,
and use their properties
# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
15. Compute areas and perimeters of polygons
and plane figures.
# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
16. Apply Pythagorean principle to compute
lengths and areas.
# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
17. Compute volumes of solids.


# 1, 2, and 3

Quizzes & Worksheets
18. Convert percentages to fractions and decimals
and vice versa
# 1, 2, and 3


Quizzes & Worksheets
19. Solve problems involving simple interest, and
compound interest
# 1, 2, and 3


Quizzes & Worksheets
20. Calculate the Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
on a loan
# 1, 2, and 3


Quizzes & Worksheets
21. Calculate monthly payment on a mortgage,
personal loans
# 1, 2, and 3


Quizzes & Worksheets

Required Textbook & Resource:

Text: Angel, A. R., Abbott, C. D. and Runde, D. C - A Survey of Mathematics with Applications, Eightth
Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2009

Graphing Paper & Ruler

Optional: Graphing Calculator

Topic Outline:

Chapter 6: Algebra, Graphs, and Functions:
Linear inequalities in two variables - Solving quadratic equations by
factoring and using formula - Functions and graphs. (Sections 6.8 to 6.10) (NCATE 5.7, 5.11). (NCDPI Core 2.2,
2.8), (NCDPI Div 2.2).

Chapter 7: Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
- Matrices - Solving systems using matrices) - Systems
of linear inequalities Linear programming. (Sections 7.1 to 7.6), (NCATE 5.8), (NCDPI Core 2.2, 2.8), (NCDPI
Div 2.2), (NCDPI Tech 2.1, 3.2, 3,3).

Chapter 8: The Metric System
– Basic Terms and Conversions within the Metric System – Length, Area, and
Volume – Mass and Temperature – Dimensional Analysis and Conversions to and from the Metric System.
(Sections 8.1 to 8.4) (NCATE 5.8).

Chapter 9: Geometry - Points, lines and angles - Polygons - Perimeter and Area - Volume. (Sections 9.1 to 9.5)
(NCATE 5.13, 5.14, 6.1)

Chapter 11: Consumer Mathematics - Percent - Personal loans and interest - Compound Interest - Installment
buying – Mortgage. (Sections 11.1 – 11.3).
(NCDPI Tech 2.1, 3.2, 3,3).

Course Evaluation:

Percentage of Final Course
Quizzes/Homework 30%
Tests 40%
Comprehensive Final
Total 100 %

The following grading scale will be used: A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 70-79; D = 60-69; F = 59 and below.
In general, make-up tests or quizzes will not be given, unless in extra-ordinary circumstances.

Sometime during the semester you will be asked to complete Student Evaluation ( on line ) of your instructor.
Please make sure you do complete this . The completion of this might earn you some extra points.

Attendance Policy:

Students who miss classes are responsible for subject matter covered, any announcements made regarding quiz, test
or any other relevant matter, during their absence.

More than 3 (if class meets 3 times a week ) or 2 (if class meets 2 times a week ) unexcused absences may result in
failure in the course. You are responsible to find out or know about any announcements or the subject matter
covered, during your absence.

Student Classroom Decorum Expectations:

To enhance the learning atmosphere of the classroom, students are expected to dress and behave in a fashion
conducive to learning in the classroom. More specifically, students will refrain from disruptive classroom behavior i.
e., talking to classmates, disrespectful responses to teacher instructions; swearing; wearing clothes that impede
academic learning such as but not limited to, wearing body-revealing clothing and excessively baggy pants;
hats/caps, and/or headdress . Food or drinks will not be allowed in the class room or lab. Students will turn off their
cell phones prior to entering the classroom. Students who exhibit the behaviors described above, or similar
behaviors will be immediately dismissed from class at the third documented offense. The student will be readmitted
to class only following a decision by the department chair. The student may appeal the decision of the department
chair to the Dean of the College offering the course, and, subsequently, to the Office of the Vice President for
Academic Affairs, and then to the President of Shaw University. The decision of the President will be final. Failure
to follow the procedures herein outlined will result in termination of the appeal, and revert to the decision of the
department chair.

Each behavior construed by the teacher/professor as noncontributive to learning will be recorded, properly
documented, and appropriately reported to the student and to the chair of the academic department offering the
course. The report will be in written form with a copy provided to both the student and the department chair. The
faculty member should retain a copy for his/her own records.

Additional student behavior codes may be found in Student Affairs.